Volume 13, Number 2, December 2018
Constructing the Risk Management Framework in Sharing Economy Industry: A Case Study on a C2C Fintech Company |
Clio Chen¹, Shu-Ling Lin²*
The objective of this study aims to solve problems in the information technology platform of the Sharing Economy. There are legal & operational conflicts for sharing cars, spaces or financing. The operations models for Uber, Airbnb & P2P financing are the examples used here. This study provides a risk management framework for helping the Sharing Economy industries to minimize financial impact. Risk management framework is deployed through In-Depth Interviews with industry professionals, academics & officials & through exploring research literature. This case study focuses on the risk management practices of a C2C Fintech company in related management areas in reputation, credibility, & marketing.
Keywords: Risk management, Sharing economy, C2C, Fintech, Sandbox.
JEL Classification: O33, K24, M13, M15
¹ EMBA. Department of Information & Finance Management, College of Management. National Taipei University of Technology. Taiwan, R. O. C. E-mail: clio.chen@cliochen.com
² Corresponding author. Professor. Department of Information & Finance Management, College of Management. National Taipei University of Technology. Taiwan, R.O.C
E-mail: shuling@ntut.edu.tw, shulingntut@gmail.com